Aaron Steele | Web Developer

Lets build ideas together!

Technical Skills

Being immensely curious about the forces that connect us, I try and learn as much as I can about the web. Here's some technical skills I've acquired.



Javascript, Ruby, HTML5, CSS3



Node.js, React, Express, Angular, Rails, Mocha, Chai, Handlebars



MongoDB, PostgreSQL



Heroku, Git, REST APIs, JSON, AJAX, jQuery


Collaborating ideas with UX designers, potential clients, or other engineers is always exciting! Here's a few projects I've worked on.


Tailoredme is a made to measure, individualized menswear company designed to tailor custom clothing to fit your needs.

Contract gig where I migrated frontend components from jQuery to Vue offering a more scalable codebase along with creating a great UX by simplifying and building a responsive, mobile-friendly layout.

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Google Maps Clone

As the name suggests, this is a Google Maps clone built using React. It lives entirely on the frontend and includes storing user's location, visitation, and bookmarked places as persistent state in the browser, along with custon tutorial sequences and animation.

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Hide-and-go-seek themed application. Group project where I was responsible for writing game mechanics in Javascript, set up Postgresql database relationships, write google maps functionality in JS

View the live site (email: guest@example.com, password: test123)

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A Little About Me...

Name: Aaron Steele
Current City: San Francisco, CA
Current Company: Freelancing | Seeking new Frontend and Fullstack opportunities
Currently Reading: The Seventh Sense: Power, Fortune, and Survival in the Age of Networks -Joshua Cooper Ramo
"There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come" -Victor Hugo

Originally born in South Carolina, I moved to San Francisco to pursue my dream of creating products, companies, and relationships that influence and change the world we live in.

I have a natural ability to think on a grand scale. I keep my eyes focused on the horizon, concerning myself with not only what must be done, but also what is possible in time. Yet, by nature, I am curious about the underlying mechanisms which naturally lead me to become a full-stack web developer. There's something about taking an idea, product, or application and breaking it apart into small modular pieces that I find irresistible.